Space to Think
Space to Think
E1. The power of pausing, improvisation and conversation with Robert Poynton

E1. The power of pausing, improvisation and conversation with Robert Poynton

We invite you to join us and listen into the words

After a chance email exchange with

back in February, I was delighted to have the opportunity to chat with him for my podcast, Space to Think. Robert, amongst other things, is the author of three Do/Books on improvisation, pausing and conversation.

After 4 years of podcasting, I had a strong sense of the kind of space I wanted to create with this podcast, wanting it to feel like a conversation rather than an interview. There’s such nuance in this, the ability to be present in conversation as well as ‘create’ something that you will enjoy being a part of as a listener.

Robert is a generous guest who shares willingly and widely his experience, insight and wisdom. To say I enjoyed the conversation doesn’t fully capture it. The conversation was enabled to flow and find its own rhythm and tune and I’m reminded of something Robert said.

Music without rests isn’t music, it’s just noise.

~ Robert Poynton

And in honouring what it was and what it is, I invite you to join us. Join us, listen, find your place in the conversation, and make your own sense and meaning.

I'd love for you to subscribe, follow, like, share and all those things but most of all I hope when you join us, you find something that means something.

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Creating space to think through conversations with guests and exploring their knowledge, insights and stories. Each conversation holds the potential for ideas to grow wild.

Next episode: Leaping with

Space to Think
Space to Think
In this podcast I create space to think through conversations with guests exploring their knowledge, insights and stories. Each conversation holds the potential for ideas to grow wild.
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Sarah Philp