Space to Think
Space to Think
Creativity with Sarah Robertson

Creativity with Sarah Robertson

We're all creative, we just bring it out in different ways.

I loved having the opportunity to explore creativity with

. Having worked quite closely with Sarah over the last year it was refreshing to unpick some of the elements I know to be so key to her life and work. I followed Sarah for some time on Instagram before connecting and choosing to work with her, I always find what she shares to be useful, and beautiful, in both words and images and all in a way that is both inspiring and reassuring.

Sarah is the designer behind my website, substack and podcast branding so it goes without saying that I appreciate and value her work. That said, this was a conversation less about her branding work and much more about how we nurture creativity in our lives, the importance of creative rest and where improvisation and creativity connect.

Sarah believes that we are all creative, we might bring that out in different ways but it’s within us all. We need to support and nurture that creativity and that may look different in different seasons of our work and life. 

This episode is for everyone, we’re all creative, we all need creative rest, we can all enhance our environment to support our creativity and in life we all need those creative reserves to support us, to find hope and to lead a full life. 

There are many ways to connect with Sarah: 

Sarah has very kindly shared a special article on creativity and improvisation.

Next episode: Jennifer Abrams on Stretching Your Learning Edges

Thanks for listening to Space to Think, a podcast where I create space to think through conversations with guests exploring their knowledge, insights and stories.

Each conversation holds the potential for ideas to grow wild.

Space to Think
Space to Think
In this podcast I create space to think through conversations with guests exploring their knowledge, insights and stories. Each conversation holds the potential for ideas to grow wild.